広報掲示板 Relationship


私は′マナム ボランティア協



私は、マナム ボランティア協会でボランティアをしています。









mail: haeun1128@hanmail.net
skype: haeun1128
kakaotalk : haeun1128

I"m with Mannam Volunteer Association.

It consists of many branches based on the region.

We have various culture programs which are offered especially to foreigners just like you for free.

So you can join all those lectures that you are interested in.

If you want to have more specific information about the culture lectures, Mannam events or volunteering works, you need to join in our facebook. 

FACEBOOK ADDRESS is http://www.facebook.com/groups/mannam.class

From now, I want to intoduce our branch classes to you below.
We"re having three different levels of 1) Korean classes from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm every Saturday
But we"re almost finished with this term in March.
We are going to have other different events with Mannam members like 10K, Climbing in April
and start a new term again having two months of the curriculum on May 12. 
This is a new time table for May

10:00~12:00 basic class

12:00~13:00 activity

13:00~15:00 1A class

15:00~16:00 activity

16:00~18:00 1B class

But we are running 2) DORANDORAN, Korean conversation class at 7:00pm~8:30pm every Thursday

                      3) Acoustic Cafe, Guitar class at 7:00pm~8:30pm every Monday

                      4) Korean Paper Craft at 4:00~6:00pm every Thursday  ☜ This is what you are taking! 

       (alterable in case! if you are interesten in this program, let me know and check out the time for you before you just go there)

 I appreciate your attention and hope you join us soon and have wonderful time together with Mannam. 

 Contact  Jenny 010 2400 0790


TOTAL: 4202

番号 タイトル ライター 参照 推薦
3502 お試しコスメ′ミニサイズコスメ′....... pponyo 2012-10-31 4256 0
3501 年末年始もOK! KLIFF kazusan 2012-10-26 4049 0
3500 [求人]★デソングループ無料会員募集....... ljyyyk 2012-10-15 3575 0
3499 ★★★ [人気短期バイト-座談会/アン....... min0505 2012-10-14 3834 0
3498 健康美容新物質紹介します. bull 2012-10-13 4117 0
3497 [求人/求職]大成グループ募集 ljyyyk 2012-09-22 3829 0
3496 KLIFFで楽しく韓国語学習を! kazusan 2012-09-16 4212 0
3495 無料マッサージをして上げます. bull 2012-09-16 4637 0
3494 [9月の無料公演] 雲弦宮日曜芸術庭先....... 크레파스맛 2012-09-11 3574 0
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3491 これからは日本家でも韓国フ....... DSJIHO 2012-07-26 4600 0
3490 [広報] Seoul MK金浦空港⇔ソウル市 icojunny 2012-07-23 3816 0
3489 夏休みはKLIFFで会話力up! kazusan 2012-07-21 4163 0
3488 女性 ate1 2012-07-20 4510 0
3487 2012 ユネスコ国際青年フォーラム (参....... UNESCO 2012-07-18 4893 0
3486 女性専用フィットネス Curves Yukki 2012-07-11 4774 0
3485 釜山日本語学校[JT日本語学校]‾2ヶ月....... 다크 2012-07-10 4857 0
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3483 無料文化 フhレrZ¹ 2012-07-03 4382 0