
Nature Rankings(ASIA)

These rankings are based on the number of papers that were published within the last 12 months from the institutions listed below. These rankings only include papers that were published as research articles (Articles, Letters and Brief Communications) or reviews in Nature and/or Nature monthly research journals.

To filter the results of these rankings please use the links below. To view a list of articles click on the number in the right hand column. Rankings by country, by journaland historical datafrom the last 5 years are also availableRegister for weekly Index e-alerts to get the latest updates.

Register for weekly Index e-alerts to get the latest updates.

Institution CC2 Articles3
1. The University of Tokyo, Japan 39.18 121
2. Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), China 36.34 128

3. Kyoto University, Japan 21.07 50
4. RIKEN, Japan 19.54 85
5. Osaka University, Japan 18.31 52
6. Nagoya University, Japan 11.99 30
7. Peking University, China 10.34 30
8. University of Science and Technology of China, China 10.03 17
9. The University of Melbourne, Australia 9.7 55
10. Tohoku University, Japan 8.69 26
11. Tsinghua University, China 8.03 29
12. Beijing Genomics Institute (BGI), China 7.12 20
13. National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore 7.01 50
14. The University of Queensland, Australia 6.63 37
15. Australian National University (ANU), Australia 5.98 17
16. National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan 5.89 19
17. Seoul National University, Korea 5.47 31
18. Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), China 5.35 34

19. Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore 5.31 42

20. Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST), Korea 4.99 16
21. Zhejiang University, China 4.66 13
22. Korea University, Korea 4.46 11
23. Monash University, Australia 4.37 23
24. Hokkaido University, Japan 4.3 13
25. Keio University, Japan 3.87 17
26. The University of Sydney, Australia 3.87 31
27. The University of New South Wales, Australia 3.7 24
28. Fudan University, China 3.66 13
29. Kyushu University, Japan 3.64 17
30. Academia Sinica, Taiwan 3.52 19
31. The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australia 3.52 20
32. Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), China 3.51 13
33. The University of Hong Kong (HKU), China 3.39 13
34. Yonsei University, Korea 3.31 12
35. Hanyang University, Korea 3.26 13
36. NTT Group, Japan 3.06 4
37. Hiroshima University, Japan 2.89 11
38. Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), Japan 2.86 12
39. James Cook University, Australia 2.85 10
40. Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan 2.77 12
41. Sungkyunkwan University, Korea 2.67 9
42. National Institute for Material Science (NIMS), Japan 2.54 12
43. Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College, China 2.47 15
44. Samsung, Korea 2.46 7
45. National Institutes of Natural Sciences (NINS), Japan 2.45 13
46. Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan 2.45 11
47. Queensland Institute of Medical Research (QIMR), Australia 2.38 20
48. Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), China 2.36 11
49. Sun Yat-sen University, China 2.33 13
50. Nanjing Medical University, China 2.18 10

Nature Publishing Index - Global Top 100

These rankings are based on the number1 of papers that were published in 2011 from the institutions2 listed below. These rankings only include primary research papers that were published as “Articles, Letters and Brief Communications” in Nature and/or Nature monthly research journals.

To view the list of articles from an institution click on the number in the right hand column.

  • Research Articles

    Institution CC3 Articles4
    1. Harvard University, USA 130 292
    2. Stanford University, USA 67.48 141
    3. Max Planck Society, Germany 63.97 187

    4. National Institutes of Health (NIH), USA 58.21 213

    5. The University of Tokyo, Japan 42.88 109
    6. French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), France 42.47 206
    7. University of California Berkeley, USA 37.57 90
    8. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA 37.56 107
    9. Yale University, USA 37.07 84
    10. University of California San Diego (UCSD), USA 34.27 103
    11. University of California San Francisco (UCSF), USA 34.15 91
    12. University of Oxford, UK 29.95 155
    13. University of Washington, USA 29.4 85
    14. University of Cambridge, UK 28.79 114
    15. Columbia University in the City of New York, USA 28.36 79
    16. University of Michigan, USA 26.44 81
    17. University of Illinois, USA 25.72 48
    18. The Scripps Research Institute, USA 24.92 53
    19. California Institute of Technology, USA 24.69 50
    20. Kyoto University, Japan 23.98 56
    21. Medical Research Council (MRC), UK 22.93 85
    22. The Johns Hopkins University, USA 22.86 82

    23. Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), China 22.52 73

    24. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland 22.07 48
    25. University of Toronto, Canada 21.94 79
    26. University of London - University College London, UK 21.33 71
    27. The Rockefeller University, USA 21.19 39
    28. Cornell University, USA 21.01 72
    29. Northwestern University, USA 20.2 50
    30. RIKEN, Japan 19.96 73
    31. Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, USA 19.25 43
    32. University of Chicago, USA 19.19 47
    33. University of Pennsylvania, USA 18.54 61
    34. University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), USA 17.37 57
    35. Osaka University, Japan 17.31 48
    36. Imperial College London, UK 16.6 59
    37. University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA 16.55 51
    38. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA 14.67 67
    39. Duke University, USA 14.43 44
    40. Washington University in St. Louis, USA 13.92 55
    41. University of Maryland, USA 13.83 47
    42. New York University, USA 13.62 32
    43. Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel 13.12 32
    44. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), USA 12.84 29
    45. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Switzerland 12.78 31
    46. The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, USA 12.55 24
    47. Princeton University, USA 12.46 30
    48. University of Tennessee, USA 12.37 37
    49. The University of British Columbia, Canada 11.92 43

    50. Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Spain 11.78 69

    51. Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, UK 11.77 56
    52. The University of Texas at Austin, USA 11.76 25
    53. National Institute for Health and Medical Research (INSERM), France 11.56 90
    54. The University of Edinburgh, UK 11.45 55
    55. Seoul National University, Korea 11.27 32
    56. Tohoku University, Japan 11.01 29
    57. Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU), Germany 10.95 53
    58. University of Colorado Boulder, USA 10.92 35
    59. Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, USA 10.86 55
    60. University of Bristol, UK 10.83 34
    61. Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University, USA 10.83 26
    62. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, USA 10.75 26
    63. The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA 10.36 34
    64. University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB), USA 10.2 25
    65. The University of Melbourne, Australia 9.83 46
    66. University of Geneva, Switzerland 9.75 34
    67. Salk Institute for Biological Studies, USA 9.69 17

    68. Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres, Germany 9.68 72

    69. Nagoya University, Japan 9.67 26
    70. University of Massachusetts Worcester, USA 9.56 23
    71. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA 9.55 41
    72. Brown University, USA 9.09 22
    73. National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan 9.03 22
    74. University of Copenhagen, Denmark 8.98 51
    75. Rice University, USA 8.74 17
    76. Cancer Research UK, UK 8.59 36
    77. University of Science and Technology of China, China 8.58 17
    78. Emory University, USA 8.49 34
    79. University of Zurich (UZH), Switzerland 8.45 33
    80. Pennsylvania State University, USA 8.43 33
    81. Boston University, USA 8.32 36
    82. University of Southern California (USC), USA 8.16 39
    83. University of California Irvine (UCI), USA 7.88 24
    84. University of Groningen, Netherlands 7.74 26
    85. University of Goettingen, Germany 7.71 27
    86. The University of Queensland, Australia 7.7 34
    87. University of California Davis, USA 7.68 24
    88. F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, USA 7.63 12
    89. Technical University Munich (TUM), Germany 7.63 38
    90. The Ohio State University, USA 7.45 24
    91. Utrecht University, Netherlands 7.44 35
    92. Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU), USA 7.26 17
    93. Peking University, China 7.24 21
    94. The University of Manchester, UK 7.24 27
    95. Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), USA 7.24 12
    96. University of Hamburg, Germany 7.22 29
    97. Australian National University, Australia 7.18 13
    98. McGill University, Canada 7.17 25
    99. Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), USA 7.08 18
    100. University of Pittsburgh, USA 7.03 32

  • http://www.natureasia.com/en/publishing-index/asia-pacific/




    3,일본과 한국의 지능(기술·특허·과학·논문·연구·개발)

    Nature Rankings(ASIA)

    These rankings are based on the number of papers that were published within the last 12 months from the institutions listed below. These rankings only include papers that were published as research articles (Articles, Letters and Brief Communications) or reviews in Nature and/or Nature monthly research journals.

    To filter the results of these rankings please use the links below. To view a list of articles click on the number in the right hand column. Rankings by country, by journaland historical datafrom the last 5 years are also availableRegister for weekly Index e-alerts to get the latest updates.

    Register for weekly Index e-alerts to get the latest updates.

    Institution CC2 Articles3
    1. The University of Tokyo, Japan 39.18 121
    2. Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), China 36.34 128

    3. Kyoto University, Japan 21.07 50
    4. RIKEN, Japan 19.54 85
    5. Osaka University, Japan 18.31 52
    6. Nagoya University, Japan 11.99 30
    7. Peking University, China 10.34 30
    8. University of Science and Technology of China, China 10.03 17
    9. The University of Melbourne, Australia 9.7 55
    10. Tohoku University, Japan 8.69 26
    11. Tsinghua University, China 8.03 29
    12. Beijing Genomics Institute (BGI), China 7.12 20
    13. National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore 7.01 50
    14. The University of Queensland, Australia 6.63 37
    15. Australian National University (ANU), Australia 5.98 17
    16. National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan 5.89 19
    17. Seoul National University, Korea 5.47 31
    18. Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), China 5.35 34

    19. Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore 5.31 42

    20. Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST), Korea 4.99 16
    21. Zhejiang University, China 4.66 13
    22. Korea University, Korea 4.46 11
    23. Monash University, Australia 4.37 23
    24. Hokkaido University, Japan 4.3 13
    25. Keio University, Japan 3.87 17
    26. The University of Sydney, Australia 3.87 31
    27. The University of New South Wales, Australia 3.7 24
    28. Fudan University, China 3.66 13
    29. Kyushu University, Japan 3.64 17
    30. Academia Sinica, Taiwan 3.52 19
    31. The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australia 3.52 20
    32. Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), China 3.51 13
    33. The University of Hong Kong (HKU), China 3.39 13
    34. Yonsei University, Korea 3.31 12
    35. Hanyang University, Korea 3.26 13
    36. NTT Group, Japan 3.06 4
    37. Hiroshima University, Japan 2.89 11
    38. Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), Japan 2.86 12
    39. James Cook University, Australia 2.85 10
    40. Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan 2.77 12
    41. Sungkyunkwan University, Korea 2.67 9
    42. National Institute for Material Science (NIMS), Japan 2.54 12
    43. Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College, China 2.47 15
    44. Samsung, Korea 2.46 7
    45. National Institutes of Natural Sciences (NINS), Japan 2.45 13
    46. Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan 2.45 11
    47. Queensland Institute of Medical Research (QIMR), Australia 2.38 20
    48. Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), China 2.36 11
    49. Sun Yat-sen University, China 2.33 13
    50. Nanjing Medical University, China 2.18 10

    Nature Publishing Index - Global Top 100

    These rankings are based on the number1 of papers that were published in 2011 from the institutions2 listed below. These rankings only include primary research papers that were published as "Articles, Letters and Brief Communications" in Nature and/or Nature monthly research journals.

    To view the list of articles from an institution click on the number in the right hand column.

  • Research Articles

    Institution CC3 Articles4
    1. Harvard University, USA 130 292
    2. Stanford University, USA 67.48 141
    3. Max Planck Society, Germany 63.97 187

    4. National Institutes of Health (NIH), USA 58.21 213

    5. The University of Tokyo, Japan 42.88 109
    6. French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), France 42.47 206
    7. University of California Berkeley, USA 37.57 90
    8. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA 37.56 107
    9. Yale University, USA 37.07 84
    10. University of California San Diego (UCSD), USA 34.27 103
    11. University of California San Francisco (UCSF), USA 34.15 91
    12. University of Oxford, UK 29.95 155
    13. University of Washington, USA 29.4 85
    14. University of Cambridge, UK 28.79 114
    15. Columbia University in the City of New York, USA 28.36 79
    16. University of Michigan, USA 26.44 81
    17. University of Illinois, USA 25.72 48
    18. The Scripps Research Institute, USA 24.92 53
    19. California Institute of Technology, USA 24.69 50
    20. Kyoto University, Japan 23.98 56
    21. Medical Research Council (MRC), UK 22.93 85
    22. The Johns Hopkins University, USA 22.86 82

    23. Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), China 22.52 73

    24. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland 22.07 48
    25. University of Toronto, Canada 21.94 79
    26. University of London - University College London, UK 21.33 71
    27. The Rockefeller University, USA 21.19 39
    28. Cornell University, USA 21.01 72
    29. Northwestern University, USA 20.2 50
    30. RIKEN, Japan 19.96 73
    31. Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, USA 19.25 43
    32. University of Chicago, USA 19.19 47
    33. University of Pennsylvania, USA 18.54 61
    34. University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), USA 17.37 57
    35. Osaka University, Japan 17.31 48
    36. Imperial College London, UK 16.6 59
    37. University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA 16.55 51
    38. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA 14.67 67
    39. Duke University, USA 14.43 44
    40. Washington University in St. Louis, USA 13.92 55
    41. University of Maryland, USA 13.83 47
    42. New York University, USA 13.62 32
    43. Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel 13.12 32
    44. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), USA 12.84 29
    45. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Switzerland 12.78 31
    46. The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, USA 12.55 24
    47. Princeton University, USA 12.46 30
    48. University of Tennessee, USA 12.37 37
    49. The University of British Columbia, Canada 11.92 43

    50. Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Spain 11.78 69

    51. Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, UK 11.77 56
    52. The University of Texas at Austin, USA 11.76 25
    53. National Institute for Health and Medical Research (INSERM), France 11.56 90
    54. The University of Edinburgh, UK 11.45 55
    55. Seoul National University, Korea 11.27 32
    56. Tohoku University, Japan 11.01 29
    57. Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU), Germany 10.95 53
    58. University of Colorado Boulder, USA 10.92 35
    59. Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, USA 10.86 55
    60. University of Bristol, UK 10.83 34
    61. Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University, USA 10.83 26
    62. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, USA 10.75 26
    63. The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA 10.36 34
    64. University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB), USA 10.2 25
    65. The University of Melbourne, Australia 9.83 46
    66. University of Geneva, Switzerland 9.75 34
    67. Salk Institute for Biological Studies, USA 9.69 17

    68. Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres, Germany 9.68 72

    69. Nagoya University, Japan 9.67 26
    70. University of Massachusetts Worcester, USA 9.56 23
    71. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA 9.55 41
    72. Brown University, USA 9.09 22
    73. National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan 9.03 22
    74. University of Copenhagen, Denmark 8.98 51
    75. Rice University, USA 8.74 17
    76. Cancer Research UK, UK 8.59 36
    77. University of Science and Technology of China, China 8.58 17
    78. Emory University, USA 8.49 34
    79. University of Zurich (UZH), Switzerland 8.45 33
    80. Pennsylvania State University, USA 8.43 33
    81. Boston University, USA 8.32 36
    82. University of Southern California (USC), USA 8.16 39
    83. University of California Irvine (UCI), USA 7.88 24
    84. University of Groningen, Netherlands 7.74 26
    85. University of Goettingen, Germany 7.71 27
    86. The University of Queensland, Australia 7.7 34
    87. University of California Davis, USA 7.68 24
    88. F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, USA 7.63 12
    89. Technical University Munich (TUM), Germany 7.63 38
    90. The Ohio State University, USA 7.45 24
    91. Utrecht University, Netherlands 7.44 35
    92. Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU), USA 7.26 17
    93. Peking University, China 7.24 21
    94. The University of Manchester, UK 7.24 27
    95. Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), USA 7.24 12
    96. University of Hamburg, Germany 7.22 29
    97. Australian National University, Australia 7.18 13
    98. McGill University, Canada 7.17 25
    99. Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), USA 7.08 18
    100. University of Pittsburgh, USA 7.03 32

  • http://www.natureasia.com/en/publishing-index/asia-pacific/





    TOTAL: 4250

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