
Was at www.kokusai-h.metro.tokyo.jp%2F" target="_blank">Tokyo Kokusai Metropolitan High School [東京都立国際高等学校] the other day for more Culture Japan filming. Today we have a lookie at the Cultural Festival “Bunkasai” [文化祭] which takes place at most schools across Japan once a year in Autumn.

Japanese High School Photos

www.kokusai-h.metro.tokyo.jp%2F" target="_blank">Tokyo Kokusai Metropolitan High School is not classed as an International High School but one where about 40% of students are either are a Japanese mix, foreigner or a student who has spent a lot of time overseas.

Japanese High School Photos

Many schools across Japan require you to remove you shoes before you go in. This is why the Figma K-ON! figures come with an extra set of shoes called “Uwabaki” [上履き] that are worn in class.
However Kokusai Metropolitan does not have the traditional custom and allows you to walk in as long as you have not trodden in poo - which is unlikely anyway because the streets are usually clear of K9 droppings.

Japanese High School Photos

Armor falling to pieces - looks like its going in for retirement soon? To be replaced with…?

Japanese High School Photos

Today"s navigator is Arisa-chan - a half Filipino and Japanese student of Kokusai Metropolitan who has been working hard over the past few days with her classmates to prepare a load of fun and games for visitors.

You"ve seen these cultural festivals in many anime including K-ON! and Haruhi where the students prepare many events for the other students and visitors to the school.

Other than “Bunkasai” [文化祭], the cultural festivities are also known as “Gakuensai” [学園祭] which is actually part of the school curriculum where students have the chance to exhibit their learnings over the past year. They work with other students to get creative and prepare events/activities for the visitors.
The festival usually takes place over two days on a weekend and is open to the public for students/parents/guardians who are interested in attending/sending their kids to the school as they get to experience and see for themselves what the school is like.

Japanese High School Photos

We were filming for only a day at Kokusai Metropolitan. While it wasn"t enough to cover all the activities that went on, we still managed to see and enjoy a load that went on.
Just like anime, we saw students dressed up as maids serving sweets and a hall where they played together in their bands and danced along to anisong. The food they served was like 50 yen! @.@

Arisa-chan"s class prepared a few games which included “Falling Pipe”  - you saw a glimpse in the School Girl"s Fate post. The contestant stands in the cubicle thingy who gets asked many questions - the purpose is to distract their attention where a pipe would suddenly fall from the ceiling down one of the 4 poles which the player should try to catch.

It was truly incredible to see so many students of all races enjoying themselves and having so much fun. Had nothing like this back in my neck of the woods in the UK and would have certainly enjoyed school much much more with events like this.
My school life was absolutely terrible up until university - constantly bullied at school where I even had my stuff set on fire. Ugh. Me gets rather miffed when thinking about it.

Japanese High School Photos

I think the film footage of this Japanese High School is going to be broadcast on Culture Japan Episode 4 - I need to go back next week for more filming but this time dressed up as a (male) student to attend classes.

Took a load of photos so the coverage of the festivities will be separated into 2 parts. Previous Culture Japan High School coverage can be seen in the posts below with more to come. Its always like filming on the set of a movie - we see it in anime all the time and sometimes its hard to believe that folks over here attend these schools as part of their daily lives ^^;
-Fujisawa High School Photos 1
-Fujisawa High School Photos 2
-View of Japan from AR.Drone
-Japanese Archery
-School Girl"s Fate
-Live Action K-ON!

Japanese High School Photos

Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos

Part 2 from Kokusai Metropolitan soon!

일본의 고등학교의 학원제

중국계 미국인이 일본의 고등학교의 학원제를 체험

Was at Tokyo Kokusai Metropolitan High School [도쿄도 건국때고등학교] the other day for more Culture Japan filming. Today we have a lookie at the Cultural Festival "Bunkasai" [문화제] which takes place at most schools across Japan once a year in Autumn.

Japanese High School Photos

Tokyo Kokusai Metropolitan High School is not classed as an International High School but one where about 40% of students are either are a Japanese mix, foreigner or a student who has spent a lot of time overseas.

Japanese High School Photos

Many schools across Japan require you to remove you shoes before you go in. This is why the Figma K-ON! figures come with an extra set of shoes called "Uwabaki" [실내화] that are worn in class.
However Kokusai Metropolitan does not have the traditional custom and allows you to walk in as long as you have not trodden in poo - which is unlikely anyway because the streets are usually clear of K9 droppings.

Japanese High School Photos

Armor falling to pieces - looks like its going in for retirement soon? To be replaced with...?

Japanese High School Photos

Today"s navigator is Arisa-chan - a half Filipino and Japanese student of Kokusai Metropolitan who has been working hard over the past few days with her classmates to prepare a load of fun and games for visitors.

You"ve seen these cultural festivals in many anime including K-ON! and Haruhi where the students prepare many events for the other students and visitors to the school.

Other than "Bunkasai" [문화제], the cultural festivities are also known as "Gakuensai" [학원제] which is actually part of the school curriculum where students have the chance to exhibit their learnings over the past year. They work with other students to get creative and prepare events/activities for the visitors.
The festival usually takes place over two days on a weekend and is open to the public for students/parents/guardians who are interested in attending/sending their kids to the school as they get to experience and see for themselves what the school is like.

Japanese High School Photos

We were filming for only a day at Kokusai Metropolitan. While it wasn"t enough to cover all the activities that went on, we still managed to see and enjoy a load that went on.
Just like anime, we saw students dressed up as maids serving sweets and a hall where they played together in their bands and danced along to anisong. The food they served was like 50 yen! @.@

Arisa-chan"s class prepared a few games which included "Falling Pipe" - you saw a glimpse in the School Girl"s Fate post. The contestant stands in the cubicle thingy who gets asked many questions - the purpose is to distract their attention where a pipe would suddenly fall from the ceiling down one of the 4 poles which the player should try to catch.

It was truly incredible to see so many students of all races enjoying themselves and having so much fun. Had nothing like this back in my neck of the woods in the UK and would have certainly enjoyed school much much more with events like this.
My school life was absolutely terrible up until university - constantly bullied at school where I even had my stuff set on fire. Ugh. Me gets rather miffed when thinking about it.

Japanese High School Photos

I think the film footage of this Japanese High School is going to be broadcast on Culture Japan Episode 4 - I need to go back next week for more filming but this time dressed up as a (male) student to attend classes.

Took a load of photos so the coverage of the festivities will be separated into 2 parts. Previous Culture Japan High School coverage can be seen in the posts below with more to come. Its always like filming on the set of a movie - we see it in anime all the time and sometimes its hard to believe that folks over here attend these schools as part of their daily lives ^^;
-Fujisawa High School Photos 1
-Fujisawa High School Photos 2
-View of Japan from AR.Drone
-Japanese Archery
-School Girl"s Fate
-Live Action K-ON!

Japanese High School Photos

Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos
Japanese High School Photos

Part 2 from Kokusai Metropolitan soon!

TOTAL: 622

番号 タイトル ライター 参照 推薦
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オルチャン女学生 jap_av 2012-03-11 12186 0
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韓国女学生 waro 2012-03-11 5730 0
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韓国の小学生. (1) 1777271 2012-03-05 6703 0
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韓国 dlfqhsTmfprl 2012-02-28 6366 0
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韓国の美男美女たち dlfqhsTmfprl 2012-02-28 5774 0
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韓国の女学生 waro 2012-02-26 5832 0
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韓国オルチァングサジン2 rjf__ 2012-02-21 9910 0
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韓国オルチァングサジン1 rjf__ 2012-02-21 5623 0
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日本の高校の学園祭り jap_av 2012-02-16 15041 0
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中国系米国人が日本の高校へ訪問 jap_av 2012-02-16 21678 0
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韓国,日本,中国学生美男,美女 hijapanese 2012-02-01 6924 0
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集合写真をまた比べるとwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww....... Mr69hunter 2012-01-02 6988 0
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集合写真を比べるとwwww Mr69hunter 2012-01-02 6504 0
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朝鮮人は高校生の集合写真はあげら....... chon9cm 2012-01-03 20642 0
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オルチァングサジン...放出3 2012-01-01 5978 0
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オルチァングサジン...放出2 2012-01-01 6304 0
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親の精神世界が心配 Mr69hunter 2011-12-31 12664 0
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日本各地域代表美女wwwwwwwww Mr69hunter 2011-12-31 11226 0
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町を歩く高校生の私服姿を撮影 jap_av 2011-12-30 33838 0
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福岡の高校の学園祭 jap_av 2011-12-28 8166 0