
SCAPIN142 引揚送還処理のための地方引揚援護局


15 October 1945

AG 370.05(15 Oct 45)GC

THROUGH : Central Liaison Office, Tokyo.
SUBJECT : Reception Centers in Japan for Processing Repatriates.

1.The instructions contained in the following directives will be superseded by this directive:

  a.Memorandum this headquarters AG 370.05(7 Oct 45)GC, subject: “Establishment of Landing Point Bureaus for the Receiving of Returning Japanese Repatriates,” dated 7 October 1945.

  b.Radio this headquqrters ZAX 6225, subject: “Ports to be Prepared for Use in Repatriating Japanese Nationals,” dated 30 September 1945, as amended by Radio ZAX 6354, dated 2 October 1945.

2.The Japanese Government will:

  a.Establish, organize and operate reception centers at designated ports (see and 3a) to receive, process, care for and evacuate all Japanese military, naval and civilian repatriates returning to Japan Proper from overseas.

  b.Demobilize military and naval personnel returning from overseas at the reception center servicing the port of debarkation.

  c.Assemble, process, care for and load non-Japanese nationals to be returned to their homelands. (See par 3a).

  d.Exercise control over all reception centers through a single agency of the Japanese Government which will operate the centers and carry but the necessary coordination with other governmental agencies regarding supply, customs, transportation, demobilization, physical inspections and quarantine.

3.a.Reception Centers: Location, character and capacity.
   Reception centers will be established by the Imperial Japanese Government as indicated below, and only these centers will be used for repatriation purposes:

Ports Incoming
(Par 2a)
(Par 2c)
Per Day
Maizuru Yes Yes 2500
Shimonoseki Yes Yes 2500
Sasebo ## Yes No 5000
Senzaki Yes Yes 2500
Kagoshima Yes Yes 2500
Kure Yes Yes 5000
Hakata Yes Yes 5000
Uraga Yes No 5000
Yokohama Yes No 5000
Moji Yes Yes 2500
Hakodate * Yes Yes 2500

#  Capacity indicated to be applied to incoming and outgoing personnel alike.
## To be used by allied shipping only.
*  To be established when ordered.


    Adequate facilities will be established at each of the above designated ports to receive, process and evacuate repatriates in the numbers indicated. They will include necessary storage space for food, clothing and medical supplies as well as space for administration, necessary medical examinations, quarantines and quarantine hospitals. Arrangements will be made with Commanding Genarals of Sixth and Eighth United States Armies for assignment of necessary space for these facilities.


    Adequate inspection and quarantine stations will be established immediately at each of the above designated ports to control:

    (1)The entry into the home islands of persons (military, naval or civilian) with contagious diseases which would endanger the health of the Occupation Forces or the Japanese population

    (2)The departure of non-Japanese nationals with contagious diseases which would endanger the health of the outgoing shipment of non-Japanese nationals or the population of countries of destination.


    (1)Adequate food and medical supplies will be provided repatriates while in the reception centers

    (2)Vessels leaving designated ports in the home islands will be provided by the reception centers with sufficient stocks of food, medical supplies, clothing and other items required for the ships crews and repatriates on the outgoing and return voyages.


    (1)Each reception center will arrange for the necessary transportation to move incoming repatriates from its area within twenty-four hours after completion of processing.

    (2)Each reception center will regulate the flow of non-Japanese repatriates to be returned to their homelands from Japan in accordance with shipping schedules. These schedules by this headquarters and copies thereof wil be furnished the Central Liaison Office, Tokyo. Changes in schedule, ports of destination, estimated time of arrival and loadings will be furnished the same office by this headquarters as information is received.


    (1)Reception center commanders will permit non-Japaanese-men triates returning to foreign countries to take with them yen currency in amounts not to exceed 1,000.00 per person.

    (2)Reception center commanders will take up against individual receipt yen currency in excess of 1,000.00 per individual and all other currencies and such other items as are enumerated in Memorandum, this headquarters, dated 22 September 1945, Subject, “Control over Exports and Imports of Gold, Silver, Securities and Financial Instruments”.

4.The establishment organization and operation of each reception center will be under the supervision of the United States Army Commander who exercises control over the area in which the reception center is located.

5.The Imperial Japanese Government will submit to this headquarters for approval its plan for the organization and proposed operation of each reception center exclusive of Hokodate(ママ), indicated in paragraph 3 above, by 31 October 1945.

6.The Imperial Japanese Government will submit the reports as called for by radio, this headquarters, ZA6361, dated 3 October 1945.


/s/ H.W.Allen,
/t/ H.W.ALLEN,
General, A.G.D.,
Asst Adjutant General.



  a. 海外から日本に引揚げてくる全ての日本陸海軍人と一般人の受入、処理、世話と撤収を行うため指定港(パラグラフ3aを見よ)地方引揚援護局の設立、組織及び運営をすること


舞鶴 2500
下関 2500
佐世保 ## 5000
仙崎 2500
鹿児島 2500
博多 5000
浦賀 5000
横浜 5000
門司 2500
函館 * 2500

#  指示された収容能力は出入人員に同様に適用されること
## 連合軍にだけ使用されること
*  指示のあったときに設立されること





SCAPIN142 인양 송환 처리를 위한 지방 인양 원호국

SCAPIN142 인양 송환 처리를 위한 지방 인양 원호국


15 October 1945

AG 370.05(15 Oct 45) GC

THROUGH : Central Liaison Office, Tokyo.
SUBJECT : Reception Centers in Japan for Processing Repatriates.

1.The instructions contained in the following directives will be superseded by this directive:

  a.Memorandum this headquarters AG 370.05(7 Oct 45) GC, subject: "Establishment of Landing Point Bureaus for the Receiving of Returning Japanese Repatriates," dated 7 October 1945.

  b.Radio this headquqrters ZAX 6225, subject: "Ports to be Prepared for Use in Repatriating Japanese Nationals," dated 30 September 1945, as amended by Radio ZAX 6354, dated 2 October 1945.

2.The Japanese Government will:

  a.Establish, organize and operate reception centers at designated ports (see and 3a) to receive, process, care for and evacuate all Japanese military, naval and civilian repatriates returning to Japan Proper from overseas.

  b.Demobilize military and naval personnel returning from overseas at the reception center servicing the port of debarkation.

  c.Assemble, process, care for and load non-Japanese nationals to be returned to their homelands. (See par 3a).

  d.Exercise control over all reception centers through a single agency of the Japanese Government which will operate the centers and carry but the necessary coordination with other governmental agencies regarding supply, customs, transportation, demobilization, physical inspections and quarantine.

3.a.Reception Centers: Location, character and capacity.
   Reception centers will be established by the Imperial Japanese Government as indicated below, and only these centers will be used for repatriation purposes:

Ports Incoming
(Par 2a)
(Par 2c)
Per Day
Maizuru Yes Yes 2500
Shimonoseki Yes Yes 2500
Sasebo ## Yes No 5000
Senzaki Yes Yes 2500
Kagoshima Yes Yes 2500
Kure Yes Yes 5000
Hakata Yes Yes 5000
Uraga Yes No 5000
Yokohama Yes No 5000
Moji Yes Yes 2500
Hakodate * Yes Yes 2500

#  Capacity indicated to be applied to incoming and outgoing personnel alike.
## To be used by allied shipping only.
*  To be established when ordered.


    Adequate facilities will be established at each of the above designated ports to receive, process and evacuate repatriates in the numbers indicated. They will include necessary storage space for food, clothing and medical supplies as well as space for administration, necessary medical examinations, quarantines and quarantine hospitals. Arrangements will be made with Commanding Genarals of Sixth and Eighth United States Armies for assignment of necessary space for these facilities.


    Adequate inspection and quarantine stations will be established immediately at each of the above designated ports to control:

    (1) The entry into the home islands of persons (military, naval or civilian) with contagious diseases which would endanger the health of the Occupation Forces or the Japanese population

    (2) The departure of non-Japanese nationals with contagious diseases which would endanger the health of the outgoing shipment of non-Japanese nationals or the population of countries of destination.


    (1) Adequate food and medical supplies will be provided repatriates while in the reception centers

    (2) Vessels leaving designated ports in the home islands will be provided by the reception centers with sufficient stocks of food, medical supplies, clothing and other items required for the ships crews and repatriates on the outgoing and return voyages.


    (1) Each reception center will arrange for the necessary transportation to move incoming repatriates from its area within twenty-four hours after completion of processing.

    (2) Each reception center will regulate the flow of non-Japanese repatriates to be returned to their homelands from Japan in accordance with shipping schedules. These schedules by this headquarters and copies thereof wil be furnished the Central Liaison Office, Tokyo. Changes in schedule, ports of destination, estimated time of arrival and loadings will be furnished the same office by this headquarters as information is received.


    (1) Reception center commanders will permit non-Japaanese-men triates returning to foreign countries to take with them yen currency in amounts not to exceed 1,000.00 per person.

    (2) Reception center commanders will take up against individual receipt yen currency in excess of 1,000.00 per individual and all other currencies and such other items as are enumerated in Memorandum, this headquarters, dated 22 September 1945, Subject, "Control over Exports and Imports of Gold, Silver, Securities and Financial Instruments".

4.The establishment organization and operation of each reception center will be under the supervision of the United States Army Commander who exercises control over the area in which the reception center is located.

5.The Imperial Japanese Government will submit to this headquarters for approval its plan for the organization and proposed operation of each reception center exclusive of Hokodate(마마), indicated in paragraph 3 above, by 31 October 1945.

6.The Imperial Japanese Government will submit the reports as called for by radio, this headquarters, ZA6361, dated 3 October 1945.


/s/ H.W.Allen,
/t/ H.W.ALLEN,
General, A.G.D.,
Asst Adjutant General.

* 「Hakodate」의 오타

1.이하의 지령에 포함되는 지시는 이 지령에 의해 취해 대신할 수 있다
  a.1945년 10월 7 일자 SCAPIN100 「일본인 귀환자의 귀국 수입을 위해서 상륙지점에 사무소를 개설」
  b.1945년 10월 2 일자 무선 지령 6554에 의해서 고쳐진 1945년 9월 30 일자 무선 지령 ZAX6225 「일본인의 인양에 사용하는 항구의 준비」

2.일본 정부는
  a.해외에서 일본으로 인양라고 오는 모든 일본 육해군인과 일반인의 수입, 처리, 도움과 철수를 실시하기 위해 지정항(패러그래프 3 a를 봐라) 지방 인양 원호국의 설립, 조직 및 운영을 하는 것
  b.상륙 업무를 행하고 있는 항구의 인양 원호국에 대해 해외로부터 인양라고 오는 육해군인의 복원을 행하는 것
  c.비일본인의 집결·수송·도움·승선을 행하는 것.(패러그래프 3 a를 봐라)
  d.일본 정부는 하나의 기관을 통하고, 공급, 세관, 수송, 복원, 검진 및 검역에 관해서는, 다른 정부 기관에 의해 필요한 조정 이외의 모든 지방 인양 원호국의 운영통어를 행하는 것

3.a.지방 인양 원호국의 장소, 성격과 수용 능력
    이하에 나타내는 인양 원호국은 일본 정부에 의해서 설립되어 송환 인양에게만 사용되는 것

(패러그래프 2a)
(패러그래프 2c)
수용 능력
1 양지
마이즈루 2500
시모노세키 2500
사세보 ## 5000
센자키 2500
카고시마 2500
하카타 5000
우라가 5000
요코하마 5000
모지 2500
하코다테 * 2500

#  지시받은 수용 능력은 출입 인원에게와 같이 적용되는 것
## 연합군에만 사용되는 것
* 지시가 있었을 때에 설립되는 것

    귀환자의 수입, 처리 및 철수를 위해서 적절한 시설을 각 지정항에 설치하는 것.시설에는 업무 집행, 필요한 진찰, 검역소 및 검역 병원을 위한 장소와 함께, 식료, 의료 및 의료품을 위해서 필요한 저장 장소도 포함하는 것.이러한 시설에 필요한 장소의 지정은 미 제6·8군에 의해서 준비되는 것
    이하의 통어를 행하기 위해 상기 지정항에 적절한 검진소 및 검역소가 즉석에서 설립되는 것
    (1) 점령군과 일본 주민의 건강을 위험에 처하는 접촉성 전염병을 가지는 인간(육해군인 혹은 일반인)의 본토에의 입국
    (2) 왕복 선박의 비일본인이나 목적지의 주민의 건강을 위험하게에 쬐는 접촉성 전염병을 가지는 비일본인의 출발
    (1) 지방 인양 원호국에 있는 동안, 송환자에게는 충분한 식량과 의약품이 공급되는 것
    (2) 본토의 지정항을 출발하는 선박은 지방 인양 원호국에 의해서 식량, 의약품, 의류와 그 외 왕복의 항해로 선원·송환자에게 필요한 물품의 충분한 저장이 공급되는 것
    (1) 각각의 인양 원호국은, 송환자를 처리 종료후 24시간 이내에 원호국으로부터 이동시키는데 필요한 수송의 준비를 하는 것
    (2) 각각의 인양 원호국은 수송 스케줄에 따라서 일본으로부터 본국에 송환되는 비일본인 송환자의 송출을 관리한다.이러한 스케줄은 그 본부에 의해서 확립되어 그 카피는 도쿄의 CLO(종전 연락 중앙 사무소)에게 줄 수 있다.목적지의 항구에 있어서의 도착 견적 시간과 적재의 케쥬르의 변경은 그 본부에 의해서 같은 사무소에게 줄 수 있고 정보로서 받아 들여진다
  f.통화와 유가증권
    (1) 지방 인양 원호국 국장은 외국에 귀환하는 비일본인 송환자가, 1 인당 총계 1,000엔을 웃돌지 않는 금액의 엔통화를 꺼내는 것을 허가한다
    (2) 지방 인양 원호국 국장은 외국에 귀환하는 비일본인 송환자로부터, 보관증과 교환에, 1 인당 1000엔을 웃도는 엔통화, 그 외 모든 통화, 유가증권, 그리고 1945년 9월 22 일자 SCAPIN44 「금,은의 수출입과 유가증권 및 금융 증서의 관리」로 열거된 그 외 물품을 채택한다

4.각각의 인양 원호국의 설립, 조직과 운영은 그것들 원호국이 있는 지역을 제어 슬슬 미군 사령관의 관리하에 있는 것

5.일본 정부는 1945년 10월 31일까지, 이 조직의 계획의 승인과 하코다테(위의 패러그래프 3으로 나타난다)를 제외해 각각의 지방 인양 원호국의 운영 계획을 연합군 사령부에 제출하는 것

6.일본 정부는 1945년 10월 3 일자의 GHQ 무선 지령 ZA6361에 의해서 요구된 리포트를 제출하는 것

TOTAL: 8973

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