






South Korea-Japan rivalry shows no sign of cooling
冷える とは 分からない 南韓-日本間の 競争心理


Reporting from San Diego—Nam Hyung Kim wants to make one thing clear from the start. ¥“We don¥“t hate Japan,¥” the South Korean journalist insists.

センデ−エで—南韓の報道人金濫刑さんはインタビューを始めて一つ事実を確かにしておこうとした. ¥”私たちは日本を嫌やがるのではないです.¥”

But just the fact Kim feels the need to clarify that point suggests that, well, maybe there is more to the two countries¥” baseball rivalry than just baseball.

しかし金濫刑さんがその事実を確かにしておくのを願った事実自体として, 両国間の野球競争心理は単純に野球のそれだけではないかも知れないということを予告した.

Not that the games haven¥“t been compelling.


Last summer South Korea had to get by Japan twice to win its first Olympic baseball gold. Three years before that Japan handed South Korea its only loss in the first World Baseball Classic en route to the tournament title.
去年の夏, 南韓は彼らの初めてのオリンピック野球金メダルを首にかけるために日本を二回も負かさなければならなかった. 彼より 3年前, 日本は第 1回ワールドベースボールクラシックで南韓に唯一の敗北を残して優勝を手に握った.

And now the rivalry is coming to Los Angeles, home to the largest Korean and one of the largest Japanese communities in the U.S.

そしてもうその競争はアメリカで一番大きい韓国人社会と, アメリカで指折り数えられる日本人社会がいるロサンゼルスへ来る.

The teams have already met four times in this month¥“s second WBC, with Japan winning the most recent matchup, 6-2, Thursday to claim a No. 1 seeding for this weekend¥“s semifinals at Dodger Stadium. If both teams win there & #8211; Korea against Venezuela on Saturday and Japan over the U.S. on Sunday & #8211; they could meet again in Monday¥“s championship game.
両チームは 3月にあった第2回 WBCでもう四度や会ったし, 最後の競技(景気)は週末, ドジャースタジアムでいる準決勝相手を決めるための順位決定前として, 日本が 6-2で勝った. もし両チームも - 韓国はベネズエラとの土曜日競技(景気), 日本はアメリカとの日曜日競技(景気) - から勝利したら, 月曜日決勝戦でもう一度ぶつかるようになる.

But should that happen, a baseball title will be only part of what¥“s at stake.

しかし, そのようになったら, 単純に野球大会優勝だけがかかっていることだろう?

¥“Because of history,¥” says Kim, a baseball writer with SportsChosun of Seoul, ¥“there¥“s bad memories.¥”

ソウルに位したスポーツ朝鮮の野球専門記者金濫刑さんは次のように言う. ¥”歴史的に良くない記憶があります.¥”

That will happen when one country invades, then annexes, another, as Japan did to Korea, leaving only when expelled after World War II. Even now the suspicions and distrust run deep, leaving the nations as reluctant allies. But if the bad blood started with history, it also has become territorial and cultural. And the baseball field has not been immune to those tensions.

そんな記憶は, まるで日本が韓国にグレッドンゴッのように,一国家が違う国家を侵略して 2次大戦で敗れるまで占領していたと言ったら, 当たり前だろう. まだまでも, 韓国は日本に対して根深い疑心と不信は持ったまま, 日本を有り難くない同盟国で思っている. しかしそんな恨みがもし歴史から始めたら, もうそれは領土的なことと文化的な面でまで広がってしまった. 野球場もそういう緊張で自由ではなかった.

¥“It goes back to our history and tradition,¥” agreed former Dodgers pitcher Jae Seo, who planted a South Korean flag on the mound at Angel Stadium after his country beat Japan in the quarterfinal round of the 2006 WBC, a ritual the Koreans repeated—much to Japan¥“s anger—after beating Japan again this week.

前ドジャース投手だったし, 2006年 WBC 8強戦で日本を勝った後マウンドに太極旗を立てた (日本の怒りを後にしたまま, 今週日本戦勝利以後, 繰り返された) ソゼウングも同意した. ¥”(憎悪, あるいは競争心理の原因は) 我々の歴史と伝統で帰ります.¥”

¥“It stems from our parents¥” generation and us,¥” Seo said. ¥“I¥“m sure that our next generation probably will feel the same.¥”

¥”うちのご両親世代と私たちから出発します. 多分私たち次の世代も同じな感じを持つつもりです.¥” ソゼウングは言った.

Yet nobody in the baseball world really noticed the rivalry until South Korea suddenly shot to international prominence in the sport by beating Japan to win the bronze medal in the 2000 Sydney Olympics.

しかし, 野球国家中, そういう競争心理を見抜いた国家は, 少なくとも南韓が 2000年日本を勝ちながらシドニーオリンピックで野球同毎月をタガルテまでは, 誰も見抜くことができなかった.

Second-place finishes in the 2002 Intercontinental Cup and 2005 World Cup followed. And after South Korea rolled through the Beijing Olympic tournament unbeaten last summer—upending Japan twice to send their rivals home without a medal for just the second time in Olympic history—the International Baseball Federation ranked its national program as the second-best in the world, behind only Cuba.

2002年インタコンチネンタルコップ 2位, そして 2005年ワールドカップがドイッタラッダ. そして去年南韓が北京オリンピックで日本を二回も勝ってライバルを彼らオリンピック歴史上二番目ノーメダルで家に行かせてしまった以後, 国際野球連盟は韓国の野球プログラムをキューバに引き継いだ 2位に評価した.

Which, of course, made it the best program in Asia, all the Koreans—and the Japanese—really cared about.
それはもちろんアジア 1位だったし, すべての韓国人たちに, そして日本人たちにまで, それは非常に重要だった.

As sports rivalries go, however, this is much less Red Sox-Yankees or Lakers-Celtics than it is a Cold War-style showdown between the Russian and U.S. hockey teams.

しかしスポーツライバルとして, 両国の競争心理は冷戦時代ロシアとアメリカホッケー競技(景気)のそれよりはボストンレッドサクス-ニューヨークヤンキース, あるいは LA レイコス-ボストンセルティックスのそれを彷彿させる.

¥“Japan was always better than Korea,¥” said Acey Kohrogi, director of Asian operations for the Dodgers. ¥“And then it became where Korea¥“s been dominating.¥”

ドジャースのアジア担当局長エイシコロー期さんは次のように言う. ¥”日本はいつも韓国より優位にありました. そしてからこれからは韓国が日本を圧倒しています.¥”

Lately it has become ugly too, with some Japanese making statements that suggest the Koreans have outscored, outhit and outslugged the small-ball Japanese because of genetics as much as talent.

最近になってこのような競争心理は少し汚なくなったりした. 韓国人たちが日本のスモールボールを点数, 安打, 長打率において圧倒する理由が才能より遺伝で祈るというニュアンスを漂う日本人たちの表現があったのだ.

¥“They have big bodies,¥” Japanese outfielder Ichiro Suzuki, said through an interpreter. ¥“They play closer to American-style baseball than Japanese baseball.¥”

日本チームの外野数Ichiro Suzukiは通訳士を通じて次のように言った. ¥”彼らの体形がずっと大きいです. 彼らは日本よりはアメリカ式野球を駆使します.¥”

In Japan, where ethnic purity has traditionally been revered, such comments smack of racism and ignore the fact that many of the country¥“s best players were—and still are—ethnic Koreans.
日本ではいつも民族の純純性を伝統的に崇尚して来たが, Suzukiのそういう発言は日本最高の野球選手たちは民族的に韓国人だったし, まだ韓国民族という事実を無視してイッヌンゴッだ.

Masaichi Kaneda, for example, Japan¥“s only 400-game winner, and Isao Harimoto, the only player to get 3,000 hits, were both born to parents who were ethnic Koreans and are permanent residents of Japan but not Japanese nationals.

例えば, 日本の唯一の 400勝投手マーサ理がネだ, そして唯一に 3000打点をあげたイサオ下吏モットーは日本国籍を持たない永住権身分の韓国人親から生まれた.

¥“Everyone knows that these top guys are all of Korean descent,¥” says Kohrogi, who believes the taboo over discussing that topic has faded a bit as some Koreans in the sports and entertainment fields have acknowledged their heritage in Japan, where Koreans make up the largest ethnic minority group. ¥“They¥“re more open about it,¥” Kohrogi says.

過去にはタブーしたそういうものなどがスポーツ係と芸能界で韓国係なのを自認める事実がだんだん無くなるによってそういうタブーはますますサラジョダで信じるドジャースコロー期局長は次のように言った. ¥”(日本)最高の選手たちが皆韓国係というのは皆分かっている事実です. もうそういう事実をますますみんな認定海歌であります.¥” 韓国人は日本最大の少数民族だ.

Perhaps even philosophical.


Ichiro, the Seattle Mariners¥” star who once called a loss to South Korea ¥“the most humiliating day of my career¥” and said his goal was to prove that Korea won¥“t be able to beat Japan ¥“in the next 30 years.¥” He now appears resigned to the fact the two countries, in baseball at least, might as well propose a peace.

シーアトル匹ナースのスターIchiroは南韓に敗れることを ¥”私の野球人生最高のさげすみ¥”と表現したしこれからの彼の目標は韓国が ¥”以後 30年間¥” 日本が負けるようにするのにあると言った. これから彼は書いても両国が野球においては休戦をしなければならないという事実にその目標をあきらめたように見える.

¥“There is a destiny,¥” he said through an interpreter. ¥“It¥“s like a girl you said goodbye to, and then you bump into the same girl again on the street so many times because there¥“s a destiny to meet again.

Ichiroは通訳を通じて言った. ¥”運命的です. 女人と別れてから, その女人と路頭で何回でくわすようになるようなはずです. 宿命的にまた会うのです.¥”

¥“Might as well get married if we are going to meet this frequently.¥”


kevin.baxter@latimes.com¥" target=_blank>kevin.baxter@latimes.com

LA タイムス, キャビンバクスター


倭国最高の選手たちはほとんど在日韓国人という事実を海外の記者も分かっているようだ  ( ´-`) y-


LA TIMES 기자가 보았던 한국과 일본 ( ′-`) y-







South Korea-Japan rivalry shows no sign of cooling
식을 줄 모르는 남한-일본간의 경쟁심리

Reporting from San Diego -- Nam Hyung Kim wants to make one thing clear from the start. "We don"t hate Japan," the South Korean journalist insists.

샌디에고 -- 남한의 언론인 김남형씨는 인터뷰를 시작하며 한가지 사실을 확실히 해두고자 했다. "우리는 일본을 싫어하는게 아닙니다."

But just the fact Kim feels the need to clarify that point suggests that, well, maybe there is more to the two countries" baseball rivalry than just baseball.

하지만 김남형씨가 그 사실을 확실히 해두길 원했던 사실 자체로서, 양국간의 야구경쟁심리는 단순히 야구의 그것만은 아닐지 모른다는 것을 예고했다.

Not that the games haven"t been compelling.

그들간의 경기가 주목을 받지 말아야 한다는 것이 아니다.

Last summer South Korea had to get by Japan twice to win its first Olympic baseball gold. Three years before that Japan handed South Korea its only loss in the first World Baseball Classic en route to the tournament title.
지난 여름, 남한은 그들의 첫 올림픽 야구 금메달을 목에 걸기위해 일본을 두번이나 꺾어야 했다. 그보다 3년 전, 일본은 제 1회 월드베이스볼클래식에서 남한에게 유일한 패배를 남기며 우승을 손에 쥐었다.

And now the rivalry is coming to Los Angeles, home to the largest Korean and one of the largest Japanese communities in the U.S.

그리고 이제 그 경쟁은 미국에서 가장큰 한국인사회와, 미국에서 손꼽히는 일본인사회가 있는 로스앤젤레스에 온다.

The teams have already met four times in this month"s second WBC, with Japan winning the most recent matchup, 6-2, Thursday to claim a No. 1 seeding for this weekend"s semifinals at Dodger Stadium. If both teams win there & #8211; Korea against Venezuela on Saturday and Japan over the U.S. on Sunday & #8211; they could meet again in Monday"s championship game.
양팀은 3월에 있던 제2회 WBC에서 벌써 네번이나 만났고, 마지막 경기는 이번 주말, 다저스타디움에서 있을 준결승 상대를 결정하기 위한 순위결정전으로서, 일본이 6-2로 이겼다. 만약 양팀다 - 한국은 베네수엘라와의 토요일경기, 일본은 미국과의 일요일 경기 - 에서 승리한다면, 월요일 결승전에서 또한번 부딪히게 된다.

But should that happen, a baseball title will be only part of what"s at stake.

하지만, 그렇게 된다면, 단순히 야구대회 우승만이 걸려있는 것일까?

"Because of history," says Kim, a baseball writer with SportsChosun of Seoul, "there"s bad memories."

서울에 위치한 스포츠조선의 야구전문기자 김남형씨는 다음과 같이 말한다. "역사적으로 안좋은 기억이 있죠."

That will happen when one country invades, then annexes, another, as Japan did to Korea, leaving only when expelled after World War II. Even now the suspicions and distrust run deep, leaving the nations as reluctant allies. But if the bad blood started with history, it also has become territorial and cultural. And the baseball field has not been immune to those tensions.

그런 기억은, 마치 일본이 한국에게 그랬던것처럼,한 국가가 다른 국가를 침략해서 2차대전에서 패할때까지 점령하고 있었다고 한다면, 당연할 것이다. 아직까지도, 한국은 일본에 대해 뿌리 깊은 의심과 불신은 가진 채, 일본을 달갑지 않은 동맹국으로 여기고 있다. 하지만 그런 원한이 만약 역사로부터 시작했다면, 이제 그것은 영토적인 것과 문화적인 면으로 까지 퍼져버렸다. 야구장또한 그러한 긴장에서 자유롭지 못했다.

"It goes back to our history and tradition," agreed former Dodgers pitcher Jae Seo, who planted a South Korean flag on the mound at Angel Stadium after his country beat Japan in the quarterfinal round of the 2006 WBC, a ritual the Koreans repeated -- much to Japan"s anger -- after beating Japan again this week.

전 다저스 투수였으며, 2006년 WBC 8강전에서 일본을 이긴 뒤 마운드에 태극기를 세웠던 (일본의 분노를 뒤로한 채, 이번 주 일본전 승리 이후, 반복되었다) 서재응 또한 동의했다. "(증오, 혹은 경쟁심리의 원인은) 우리의 역사와 전통으로 되돌아가죠."

"It stems from our parents" generation and us," Seo said. "I"m sure that our next generation probably will feel the same."

"우리 부모님 세대와 우리로 부터 출발해요. 아마 우리 다음 세대도 같은 느낌을 가질 겁니다." 서재응은 말했다.

Yet nobody in the baseball world really noticed the rivalry until South Korea suddenly shot to international prominence in the sport by beating Japan to win the bronze medal in the 2000 Sydney Olympics.

하지만, 야구국가들 중, 그러한 경쟁심리를 알아차린 국가는, 적어도 남한이 2000년 일본을 이기며 시드니 올림픽에서 야구 동매달을 따갈때 까지는, 아무도 알아차리지 못했다.

Second-place finishes in the 2002 Intercontinental Cup and 2005 World Cup followed. And after South Korea rolled through the Beijing Olympic tournament unbeaten last summer -- upending Japan twice to send their rivals home without a medal for just the second time in Olympic history -- the International Baseball Federation ranked its national program as the second-best in the world, behind only Cuba.

2002년 인터컨티넨털컵 2위, 그리고 2005년 월드컵이 뒷따랐다. 그리고 작년 남한이 베이징 올림픽에서 일본을 두번이나 이기며 라이벌을 그들 올림픽 역사상 두번째 노메달로 집에 보내버린 이후, 국제야구연맹은 한국의 야구프로그램을 쿠바에 이은 2위로 평가했다.

Which, of course, made it the best program in Asia, all the Koreans -- and the Japanese -- really cared about.
그것은 물론 아시아 1위였으며, 모든 한국인들에게, 그리고 일본인들에게까지, 그것은 매우 중요했다.

As sports rivalries go, however, this is much less Red Sox-Yankees or Lakers-Celtics than it is a Cold War-style showdown between the Russian and U.S. hockey teams.

하지만 스포츠 라이벌로써, 양국의 경쟁심리는 냉전시대 러시아와 미국 하키경기의 그것보다는 보스턴레드삭스-뉴욕양키스, 혹은 LA 레이커스-보스턴 셀틱스의 그것을 방불케한다.

"Japan was always better than Korea," said Acey Kohrogi, director of Asian operations for the Dodgers. "And then it became where Korea"s been dominating."

다저스의 아시아담당국장 에이씨 코로기 씨는 다음과 같이 말한다. "일본은 항상 한국보다 우위에 있었습니다. 그리고 나서 이제는 한국이 일본을 압도하고 있죠."

Lately it has become ugly too, with some Japanese making statements that suggest the Koreans have outscored, outhit and outslugged the small-ball Japanese because of genetics as much as talent.

최근들어 이러한 경쟁심리는 조금 지저분해지기도 했다. 한국인들이 일본의 스몰볼을 점수, 안타, 장타율에 있어서 압도하는 이유가 재능보다 유전에서 기원한다는 뉘앙스를 풍기는 일본인들의 표현이 있었던 것이다.

"They have big bodies," Japanese outfielder Ichiro Suzuki, said through an interpreter. "They play closer to American-style baseball than Japanese baseball."

일본팀의 외야수 이치로 스즈키는 통역사를 통해 다음과 같이 말했다. "그들의 체형이 훨씬 큽니다. 그들은 일본보다는 미국식 야구를 구사합니다."

In Japan, where ethnic purity has traditionally been revered, such comments smack of racism and ignore the fact that many of the country"s best players were -- and still are -- ethnic Koreans.
일본에서는 항상 민족의 순수성을 전통적으로 숭상해 왔는데, 스즈키의 그러한 발언은 일본 최고의 야구선수들은 민족적으로 한국인이었고, 아직도 한국민족이라는 사실을 무시하고 있는것이다.

Masaichi Kaneda, for example, Japan"s only 400-game winner, and Isao Harimoto, the only player to get 3,000 hits, were both born to parents who were ethnic Koreans and are permanent residents of Japan but not Japanese nationals.

예를 들어, 일본의 유일한 400승 투수 마사이치 가네다, 그리고 유일하게 3000타점을 올린 이사오 하리모토는 일본국적을 갖지 않은 영주권 신분의 한국인 부모로부터 태어났다.

"Everyone knows that these top guys are all of Korean descent," says Kohrogi, who believes the taboo over discussing that topic has faded a bit as some Koreans in the sports and entertainment fields have acknowledged their heritage in Japan, where Koreans make up the largest ethnic minority group. "They"re more open about it," Kohrogi says.

과거에는 금기시 되었던 그러한 것들이 스포츠계와 연예계에서 한국계임을 시인하는 사실이 잦아짐에 따라 그러한 금기는 점점 사라져다고 믿는 다저스 코로기 국장은 다음과 같이 말했다. "(일본)최고의 선수들이 모두 한국계라는 것은 모두들 알고 있는 사실입니다. 이제 그러한 사실을 점점 다들 인정해가고 있죠." 한국인은 일본 최대의 소수민족이다.

Perhaps even philosophical.

아마 이러한것을 철학적이기까지 할것이다.

Ichiro, the Seattle Mariners" star who once called a loss to South Korea "the most humiliating day of my career" and said his goal was to prove that Korea won"t be able to beat Japan "in the next 30 years." He now appears resigned to the fact the two countries, in baseball at least, might as well propose a peace.

시애틀 마리너스의 스타 이치로는 남한에게 패배하는 것을 "내 야구인생 최고의 수모"라고 표현했으며 앞으로의 그의 목표는 한국이 "이후 30년간" 일본을 못 이기게 하는데 있을것이라고 말했다. 이제 그는 적어도 양국이 야구에 있어서는 휴전을 해야한다는 사실에 그 목표를 포기한 것으로 보인다.

"There is a destiny," he said through an interpreter. "It"s like a girl you said goodbye to, and then you bump into the same girl again on the street so many times because there"s a destiny to meet again.

이치로는 통역을 통해 말했다. "운명적입니다. 여인과 헤어지고 나서, 그 여인과 길거리에서 여러번 마주치게되는 것 같은 겁니다. 숙명적으로 또 만나게 되는거죠."

"Might as well get married if we are going to meet this frequently."

"이렇게 자주 만나다가 결혼까지 하게 될지 모릅니다."


LA 타임스, 케빈 백스터


일본 최고의 선수들은 거의 재일교포라는 사실을 해외의 기자도 알고있는 것 같다  ( ′-`) y-


TOTAL: 8976

番号 タイトル ライター 参照 推薦
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