伝統文化紹介 Relationship

로리타(Lolita)에 대해




Professor Amy Hungerford introduces the first of three lectures on Nabokov"s Lolita by surveying students" reactions to the novel, highlighting the conflicting emotions readers feel, enjoying Nabokov"s virtuosic style, but being repelled by the violence of his subject matter. Nabokov"s childhood in tsarist Russia provides some foundation for his interest in memory, imagination, and language. Finally, Professor Hungerford shows how Nabokov, through the voice of his protagonist Humbert, in his own voice in the epilogue, and in the voice of "John Ray, Jr." in the foreword, preempts moral judgments in a novel that celebrates the power of the imagination and the seductive thrill of language.

Complete course materials are available at

the Open Yale Courses website: http://open.yale.edu/courses
This course was recorded in Spring 2008.


이에이르대학, 오픈 컬리지

전후 미국 문학

제5회 「로리타」


TOTAL: 9654

番号 タイトル ライター 参照 推薦
2334 【金九】しゃおこー氏へ【いや、緊....... ジョン_ 2009-05-22 1705 0
2333 台湾から帰国 d_deridex 2009-05-22 1767 0
2332 振り向けば獄長( ´H`)y-‾‾ ジョン_ 2009-05-21 1423 0
2331 ( *H*)y-‾‾恥ずかしい過去を....... kimuraお兄さん 2009-05-21 2010 0
2330 男の価値 clemente 2009-05-21 1011 0
2329 この前ソウル大教授と討論した資料....... lks5444 2009-05-21 2575 0
2328 ふと思いついたこと。 blackcat 2009-05-21 994 0
2327 晩酌ななの( ´H`)y-‾‾ ジョン_ 2009-05-21 1244 0
2326 ( *H*)y-‾‾バンカーバスター kimuraお兄さん 2009-05-21 1002 0
2325 re:男の夢なポエム Tiger_VII 2009-05-21 1293 0
2324 車中のマスクの多さに思う yasoshima 2009-05-21 1623 0
2323 男の夢なポエム tera1967 2009-05-21 1087 0
2322 【似非】 アカシア 【農林板】 董젯 2009-05-21 1100 0
2321 【古墳時代の交流?】天冠【伽耶と....... あべる 2009-05-21 1361 0
2320 【クャxレ】re:しゃおこー氏に出頭要....... 念仏鯛 2009-05-21 944 0
2319 ε(*¥"д¥")^o 葉っp隊長普及委員会 くぷ 2009-05-20 961 0
2318 しゃおこー氏に出頭要請 fmdoll 2009-05-20 1967 0
2317 ( *H*)y-‾‾ろろたお姉さんは....... kimuraお兄さん 2009-05-20 1644 0
2316 【私信】くぷさん居る?【準備完了....... super_aaa 2009-05-20 959 0
2315 【圧勝】馬鹿者虫、何をやっても馬....... ジョン_ 2009-05-20 2559 0