伝統文化紹介 Relationship

유도의 종주국도 한국(영문소스 있어)

유도의 역사


The History of Judo

By Amaury Murgado


Archaeologists have shown that cultural and technical advancement came to Korea through China. In turn, these advancements were later taken to Japan from Korea. Such advancements included unarmed combat techniques. 

고고학 타츠샤는,무기를 가지지 않고 싸우는 기법의 문화적 기술적 발달이중국을 통해 한국에게 전할 수 있던 것을 가리켜 왔다.그리고 차례차례, 이러한 발달은, 뒤떨어져한국에서 일본에게 전할 수 있었다.

It is no surprise then that Korea has a rich martial arts history that includes all types of fighting skills. Though many people are familiar with Korean-style kicking and punching, most are not aware of Korean strangling, joint lock, or throwing techniques. They may not even know that the Koreans have complete unarmed fighting systems. Yudo is one such system.

한국에, 오늘의 세계의 격투기방법의 모두를 포함한 무도의 풍부한 역사가 있던 것은, 아무것도 놀라는 것은 아니다.많은 사람은, 한국식의 「차는 것」이나 「찌르기」에는 익숙한 것이 있겠지만, 한국식의 「매어 기술」이나 「관절을 꺾는 수」나 「던지기기술」에 대해 아는 사람은 대부분 없을 것이다.한국에는, 독자적인 완성한 무도의 체계가 있다라고 하는 것 조차, 알려지지는 않을 것이다.Yudo개소화 그래서 있다.

During Korea"s Three Kingdom Period, the Silla Kingdom (57 B.C. to 937 A.D.), developed specific throwing techniques for their Hwa Rang Do Warriors. Throwing techniques were also found in Taik Kyon, which could be considered Tae Kwon Do"s predecessor. A primary throwing system, Kagju, was practiced in the Koryo Kingdom (918 A.D. to 1392 A.D.).

한국의 삼국시대와 신라시대에, 화랑도의 전사에 의해 특수한 던지기기술이 발달했다.태권도의 루트 있는 텍콜에도, 던지기기술은 있었다.원시적인 던지기기술의 체계 「Kagju」는, 고려시대에 숙련의 정도를 늘렸다.

Many of the specifics of these techniques (but not all) would end up being lost to martial art historians. Many of them would later surface, however, in the various styles of Jujutsu in Japan.

이것들 한국 독자적인 무도의 체계는(모두는 아니지만) 역사의 자료에서는 자취을 감추어 버렸다.그렇지만, 후세가 되고, 그러한 많게는 여러가지 형태의 유술의 기술로서 일본에서 다시 그 모습을 세상에 나타냈다.

Taekwondo Judo HapkidoIronically, a complete unarmed fighting art would be reintroduced to Korea from Japan, by Jigaro Kano, after the Japanese occupation of Korea, shortly before the First World War. Jigaro Kano called his art Kodokan Judo, and it was a martial art based upon the application of scientific principles. A system specifically designed for self-defense.

짓궂은 일로, 한국에서 일본으로 전해진, 완성한 무도의 체계는,일본에 점령되고 있던 제1차 세계 대전의 조금 전에, 카노우 오사무 고로에 의해서이번은 반대로 일본에서 한국에 소개되는 형태가 되었다.카노우 오사무 고로는 그의 과학적 이론을 응용한 무도를 「코우도관 유도」라고 이름 붙였다.그것은, 자위에 특화한 무도의 체계였다.

Professor Kano was a distinguished educator and the Father of Physical Education in Japan. His martial art was unique in that it contained a self-defense system that allowed people to practice safely, in a form that could be taught easily as part of the public school curriculum.

His intent was never to have Kodokan Judo practiced as or modified into a sport. It is said that later in his life, Professor JudoKano witnessed a sport judo tournament and was dismayed at the lack of his applied scientific principles. Sport judo had basically become a contest of strength and resembled wrestling, instead of his martial art. Professor Kano was quoted as saying: "This [sport judo] is not the Kodokan Judo that I teach, this will be the end of Kodokan Judo." Little did he know then, that he was foretelling Judo"s future. Judo today is almost universally practiced as a sport, not for the purpose of self-defense -- except within the Republic of Korea (ROK) Yudo Association.

Yudo is the Korean pronunciation for Judo and some Koreans, both in ROK and in this country, tend to use the two terms interchangeably. Sports judo has flourished within the Republic of Korea and Korean sports judo players have distinguished themselves on the international tournament scene and in the Olympics. As is increasingly the practice however, I shall herein refer to Judo as referring to sports judo, Kodokan Judo as the teachings of Jigoro Kano, and Yudo as that form of self-defense which encompasses all of Kodokan Judo and incorporates additional traditional Korean martial arts techniques.

(이 부분의 요약) 한국에서는, 본래의 정신성을 잃은 타락 한 스포츠 유도를 「Judo」라고 불러, 한국 독자적인의 전통기술도 포함 하는Yudo와는 명확하게 구별되고 있어 있다.

Taekwondo Judo HapkidoJigoro Kano"s teachings are the basis for the practice of Yudo within the Republic of Korea Yudo Association (ROKYA). Those teachings were reinforced and developed for the Korean practitioners by the teachers sent to the Korean Peninsula, from the Kodokan, during the occupation. The ROKYA have remained loyal to what they were taught by Kano, even when, during the Occupation of Japan following its defeat in World War II, all martial arts training halls were ordered closed, and when the Kodokan itself was allowed to re-open, it did so as a sport training center.

After liberation in Korea, the martial arts flourished, as ancient manuscripts were dug up from the ground in which they had been buried, hidden from the Japanese. Sport judo became very popular among the young, while the ROKYA remained loyal to its core teachings and began to reintroduce traditional Korean techniques to enhance its self-defense applications.

광복 후, 무도는, 마치 일본에 의해서 묻어 숨겨진 고대의 문헌이 파내지는 형태로, 차례차례로 솟아 일어났다.유도의 정신성을 상실한 스포츠 Judo가 젊은 세대에 인기를 높인 한편, 한국 유드 협회(ROKYA)의 Yudo는, 유도의 기본 정신이나 기본 기술에 충실인 대로, 호신능력을 높이기 위해서 한국 독자적인 전통기술을 도입하는 것을 시작했다.

Yudo has no attack. The size of the attacker has no bearing on the ability of the defender to receive the attack, execute a technique, and satisfactorily terminate the incident. Since the student learns that the response chosen, in a given instance, must correspond to the nature of the threat encountered, minimum required force becomes the fighting standard.

JudoThis approach to self-defense inherently conforms to the American legal doctrine as it applies to use of force, and confronts the growing public concern with the level of violence demonstrated in many contemporary martial arts.

In time, sports judo outgrew it roots. Various sports judo organization were created to govern in the schools, colleges, universities, among the military and general public, and among the international and Olympic competitors.

By the second-half of the 1990"s, the greying of the ROKYA had reached the point of serious concern, that traditional Yudo might be lost to future generations. It was time to transplant traditional Yudo, if the art was to be guaranteed survival.

In 1997, two senior Dans in Yudo, both Americans, were created by promotion certificates personally signed by Kim Chul Ho, then President of the ROK Yudo Association. In February 1998, the United States Yudo Association was incorporated and in April 1998, formal approval was given for the installation of US Yudo as the National Governing Body in the United States for the martial art of Yudo by the Yudo Committee of the Korean Martial Arts Instructors Association (KMAIA), a committee chaired by the new President of ROKYA, Lee Hwe Yul.

Taekwondo Judo HapkidoAt the same time, approval was given for the rank requirements and the Yudo curriculum which had been proposed to the ROKYA by the US Yudo.

At a ceremony held in Seoul, Republic of Korea on November 1st, 1998 Grandmaster Joseph F. Connolly, II, was promoted to 9th Dan in Yudo by Grandmaster Lee Hwe Yul, President of the ROK Yudo Association.

Grandmaster Connolly is President of the United States Yudo Association. By this ceremony, the baton was passed -- from the Old World to the New World -- for Yudo.

It is the intention of the US Yudo that the memory and teachings of Jigoro Kano be kept alive and that Yudo, now a uniquely Korean martial art, become the martial art for the coming millennium in the United States.

결론:본래의 정신성을 잃어 단순한 스포츠화한 Judo는 나쁜 길이며,Yudo개소화 정통이다.우리는, 한국의 전통기술을 계승하는 Yudo를, 한국의 전통 무도로서 전세계에 넓혀 갈 생각이다.

TOTAL: 9612

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