伝統文化紹介 Relationship

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바보 바보

《어리석음》folly; stupidity; 《인》a fool; an idiot.
·~[나막신] foolish; stupid; silly; absurd.  (이)다 w
·~로 한다 make a fool of; laugh at; 《경시》make light of.  

·~일을 한데[말하지 말아라] Don"t be silly [foolish].  누구라고는 말하지 않아가□일 것이다w

·~와 가위(가위)는 사용나름  Praise a fool, and you may make him useful.  과연 사용할 수 있는 것일까?

·~아이만큼 사랑스럽다  Parents love their troublesome children all the more./ The more trouble a child is, the more its relationship with its parents has a chance to grow and mature.  사랑스러운 것~이겠지가 www

·~에 바르는 약은 없다  No medicine can cure a fool./ There is no remedy to cure a fool./ A born fool is never cured.  ~있으면 사용하고 있는w

·~의 대식  A blockhead is always greedy.  항상 굶고 있으니∼www

·~의 하나 기억  A fool tries to judge every thing by the one thing he knows.  그것 밖에 재주가 없고www
·~는 죽지 않으면 낫지 않는다  He who is born a fool is never cured./ Born unwise, die unwise.  죽어도 낫지 않아일 것이다∼~wwww
(∞`*;) b

TOTAL: 9757

番号 タイトル ライター 参照 推薦
677 エンジョイで 4年間あったが... jjj_mmmooong 2009-01-14 1976 0
676 水準ない島国低質倭人文化を言わな....... jjj_mmmooong 2009-01-14 2108 0
675 【三菱】今年打ち上げH-2A【たのむよ....... falstaff_ 2009-01-14 3762 0
674 どうよ? 連続投稿って、惨めだろ....... infy 2009-01-14 2104 0
673 韓国よりもっと寒いロシアで... stranger Z 2009-01-14 2033 0
672 今日大邱は多くさえないが朝に雪が....... krisunaa1 2009-01-14 1834 0
671 召集令状の乱発で自滅した日本 apoon5 2009-01-14 2112 0
670 戦争犯罪人にみる、日本人の特性 apoon5 2009-01-14 2122 0
669 明治外国人教師の日本人評価 apoon5 2009-01-14 2096 0
668 明治維新で外国模倣 apoon5 2009-01-14 2461 0
667 一応、管理者に報告 evedata01 2009-01-14 2622 0
666 パリ万博を見学して、文明に驚愕し....... apoon5 2009-01-14 2560 0
665 日本が植民地にならなかったのは清....... apoon5 2009-01-14 2495 0
664 併合前に外国軍に占領されていた日....... apoon5 2009-01-14 2529 0
663 戦陣訓の実態 apoon5 2009-01-14 2112 0
662 島土人が去ると似非在日が跋扈する....... フキハラ 2009-01-14 2179 0
661 朝鮮王妃殺害で国際非難を受けた日....... apoon5 2009-01-14 2357 0
660 日清戦争でも国際的非難 apoon5 2009-01-14 2009 0
659 【農林板お引越しスレ】特に意味は....... のうみん 2009-01-14 2910 0
658 「Jの法則」 外国から移植して失敗 apoon5 2009-01-14 2082 0