伝統文化紹介 Relationship

센다이의 유학생!

안녕하세요 나는 유학생의 친구와 일본과 외국의 비교, 특히 아시아의 유학생에 대하고 요리를 하거나 서로 서로 이야기할 기회가 있습니다 지금은 토호쿠대의 유학생을 중심으로 하고 있습니다 센다이에 있는 한국의 유학생에게 꼭 참가해 주었으면 합니다 an nyung I"m sophomore at Tohoku univ and we have meanting once two weeks on Tuesday We talk about a/t on each countries especially Asian The purpose is that we are gonna realize and understand cultual differences thru cooking, talking and so on,,,,,, I want you join us (no regard as your nationality) You are welcomed. You are gonna be able to talk w/ many students from Asia, Euro and USA. The MC is Korean boy from KAIST and he is good at English. Therefore you don"t have to be good at English and Japanese I am looking forward to your joining. send me e-mail plz b2232s1224@msn.com

TOTAL: 9578

番号 タイトル ライター 参照 推薦
138 誰も分からない試写会を .... yonsanin 2005-03-22 3213 0
137 食文化について。 kope 2005-03-18 3596 0
136 じゃ、僕も書く!w kazu 2005-03-18 3271 0
135 日本映画 ¥"誰も分からない¥"に対し....... yonsanin 2005-03-18 3608 0
134 ストリート あきら 2005-03-17 3329 0
133 ごめんなさい、下の質問の答えです applestar 2005-03-15 3482 0
132 日本の学校 applestar 2005-03-18 3513 0
131 re:日本の学校.. ほっけ 2005-03-15 2856 0
130 re:日本にも/ ? kuro 2005-03-15 3301 0
129 re:re:日本の学校.. ダイスキ嵐 2005-03-15 3427 0
128 re:日本の学校.. ほっけ 2005-03-14 3653 0
127 日本の学校.. ダイスキ嵐 2005-03-14 3245 0
126 日本にも/ ? GGleSSAyou 2005-03-13 3515 0
125 「初恋」について applestar 2005-03-12 3256 0
124 日韓交流絵画展in大阪 ごろー 2005-03-11 3078 0
123 日本封切り話題作 ¥"今, 会いに行き....... yonsanin 2005-03-10 3440 0
122 re:re:地域感情 ahncyo 2005-03-09 2941 0
121 re:地域感情 セロリ 2005-03-09 3054 0
120 下に地域区別 ahncyo 2005-03-09 3595 0
119 日本文化について 끝발날리자 2005-03-06 3614 0