パソコン/インターネット Relationship

Consumer reportsでもやっぱりこれですね w






The US Consumer Reports has reportedly placed the Samsung Galaxy S2 at the top as it bested a number of other smartphones in the market such as the Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) iPhone 4S. The recent top ranking of the Samsung Galaxy S2 has highlighted the popularity of this particular smartphone offering of Samsung (SEO:005930).

Since the US Consumers Reports have an influence on the purchase decisions of consumers, some observers have indicated that it will serve to further increase the popularity of the Samsung Galaxy S2.

The device was initially introduced into the market last April in Korea as it became one of the top-selling devices of Samsung before it entered the US market last September.
Samsung Galaxy S2 Tops US Consumer Reports

Samsung Galaxy S2

The rankings of the US Consumer Reports are reportedly based on the different service providers in the US and the Samsung Galaxy S2 was on top in three of the four biggest service providers in the country.

On the other hand the iPhone 4S of Apple did not rank well among the service providers it is being offered in. This has surprised a number of observers since the device was reportedly popular in the market.

The popularity of the iPhone 4S is reportedly consistent to the standard that was established by Apple despite being outranked by the Samsung Galaxy S2 in the recent US Consumer Reports.

Even as the Samsung Galaxy S2 ranked well in the US Consumer Reports, it appears that AT&T(NYSE:T)  version of the smartphone, the Samsung Galaxy S2 Skyrocket, will reportedly receive the Ice Cream Sandwich Android OS update in the early part of next year.


The Ice Cream Sandwich Android is the latest version of the Android OS of Google (NASDAQ:GOOG) that was recently released with the Samsung Galaxy Nexus in the UK market. With the Ice Cream Sandwich Android OS update for the Samsung Galaxy S2 Skyrocket, the device will be among the first Android-powered devices to receive such a valued update.







比較 reviewに不満があったら

Consumer reportsに 直接 抗議すれば良いことです w


これは私が直接評価したのではないから w







Samsung Galaxy S2 Tops US Consumer Reports

Consumer reports에서도 역시 이것이군요 w

iPhone4s보다 먼저 출시되었지만


GS2는 더 높은 평가를 받는



The US Consumer Reports has reportedly placed the Samsung Galaxy S2 at the top as it bested a number of other smartphones in the market such as the Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) iPhone 4S. The recent top ranking of the Samsung Galaxy S2 has highlighted the popularity of this particular smartphone offering of Samsung (SEO:005930).

Since the US Consumers Reports have an influence on the purchase decisions of consumers, some observers have indicated that it will serve to further increase the popularity of the Samsung Galaxy S2.

The device was initially introduced into the market last April in Korea as it became one of the top-selling devices of Samsung before it entered the US market last September.
Samsung Galaxy S2 Tops US Consumer Reports

Samsung Galaxy S2

The rankings of the US Consumer Reports are reportedly based on the different service providers in the US and the Samsung Galaxy S2 was on top in three of the four biggest service providers in the country.

On the other hand the iPhone 4S of Apple did not rank well among the service providers it is being offered in. This has surprised a number of observers since the device was reportedly popular in the market.

The popularity of the iPhone 4S is reportedly consistent to the standard that was established by Apple despite being outranked by the Samsung Galaxy S2 in the recent US Consumer Reports.

Even as the Samsung Galaxy S2 ranked well in the US Consumer Reports, it appears that AT&T(NYSE:T)  version of the smartphone, the Samsung Galaxy S2 Skyrocket, will reportedly receive the Ice Cream Sandwich Android OS update in the early part of next year.

The Ice Cream Sandwich Android is the latest version of the Android OS of Google (NASDAQ:GOOG) that was recently released with the Samsung Galaxy Nexus in the UK market. With the Ice Cream Sandwich Android OS update for the Samsung Galaxy S2 Skyrocket, the device will be among the first Android-powered devices to receive such a valued update.







비교 review에 불만이 있다면

Consumer reports에 직접 항의하면 좋을 것 입니다 w


이것은 내가 직접 평가한 것이 아니기 때문에 w







TOTAL: 3179

番号 タイトル ライター 参照 推薦
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2553 まだ勘違いする日本人が多くのwww NaraJo 2011-12-19 22090 0
2552 Samsung Galaxy S2 Tops US Consumer Reports ikebukurro 2011-12-19 27225 0
2551 捏造の「★ 2011 Phone of the year ★」 kouaisshin 2011-12-19 10032 0
2550 ★ 2011 Phone of the year ★ ikebukurro 2011-12-18 9612 0
2549 韓国製品は日本製品の分身に過ぎな....... kouaisshin 2011-12-18 3090 0
2548 日本スマトホンの特徴 ikebukurro 2011-12-17 4779 0
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