パソコン/インターネット Relationship

One hundred million voices

Thursday, September 08, 2011
Five years ago, Twitter came to life when @jack sent the first Tweet to his seven followers. Now, 100 million active users around the globe turn to Twitter to share their thoughts and find out what’s happening in the world right now.

More than half of them log in to Twitter each day to follow their interests. For many, getting the most out of Twitter isn’t only about tweeting: 40 percent of our active users simply sign in to listen to what’s happening in their world.




facebookのアクティブユーザーはもっと多いと聞きましたが、あまりにも多いですねっと (・ω・)

액티브 유저가 1억을 넘었다고 하네요 와 (·ω·)

One hundred million voices

Thursday, September 08, 2011
Five years ago, Twitter came to life when @jack sent the first Tweet to his seven followers. Now, 100 million active users around the globe turn to Twitter to share their thoughts and find out what’s happening in the world right now.

More than half of them log in to Twitter each day to follow their interests. For many, getting the most out of Twitter isn’t only about tweeting: 40 percent of our active users simply sign in to listen to what’s happening in their world.




facebook의 액티브 유저는 더 많다고 들었습니다만, 너무 많네요 와 (·ω·)

TOTAL: 3175

番号 タイトル ライター 参照 推薦
2515 加入共有 newnewdoctor 2011-09-26 2903 0
2514 嘘つきLP多義マーケットーシェア wwwww....... hujitv0 2011-09-26 2989 0
2513 エルピーダ 25nm 4Gbit 12月から量産 kouaisshin 2011-09-26 4653 0
2512 私が来た SSSSSSSSSSSSS 2011-09-24 2525 0
2511 appleはもう終わったな.. sixta 2011-09-24 3212 0
2510 アップル、サムスン部品依存度大幅....... kouaisshin 2011-09-24 3033 0
2509 サムスン20nm級 NAND出荷の時の嘘。 kouaisshin 2011-09-23 9036 0
2508 フランスが見る日本 빠가 2011-09-19 3956 0
2507 スパコン、手のひら大で超高速に ....... gtrhiro 2011-09-19 3197 0
2506 Appleがサムスンを裏切り台湾業者とCPU....... kouaisshin 2011-09-18 3318 0
2505 Intelの次モデルチップは期待第 1 回充....... krisunaa1 2011-09-17 4343 0
2504 アクティブユーザーが1億を超えたと....... angpongtang 2011-09-10 3334 0
2503 世界最高レベルの技術は韓国に1つ....... 2011-09-04 3332 0
2502 笑わせる盗作猿たち JapsMonkeyYobai 2011-09-04 4794 0
2501 世界が大爆笑wノーベル受賞予定者....... 35chon1910 2011-09-04 3428 0
2500 サムスン、TV事業が崩壊!! kouaisshin 2011-08-31 6975 0
2499 terabyteより大きい単位はたくさんあり....... krisunaa1 2011-08-31 3738 0
2498 rock69>> 知能低い日本猿の捏造 JapsMonkeyYobai 2011-08-30 9226 0
2497 Copyに関する Steve Jobsの立場(入場) lavasca 2011-08-22 16131 0
2496 日本猿とアップルの行動が一致 CrazyJaps 2011-08-21 4679 0