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Interaction design, also known as interaction design, is the field of design that defines and designs the behavior of man-made systems. Artifacts, ie, artificially made items, such as software, mobile devices, artificial environments, services, wearable devices, and the organization of systems. Interaction design is about defining the interface related to the way the artifact behaves (the “interaction”, that is, how the artifact reacts in a specific situation). Interaction design bridges information architecture and visual design to form an easier-to-use user interface.what is ecommerce


Interaction design, also known as interaction design, is the field of design that defines and designs the behavior of man-made systems. Artifacts, ie, artificially made items, such as software, mobile devices, artificial environments, services, wearable devices, and the organization of systems. Interaction design is about defining the interface related to the way the artifact behaves (the "interaction", that is, how the artifact reacts in a specific situation). Interaction design bridges information architecture and visual design to form an easier-to-use user interface.what is ecommerce

TOTAL: 10217

番号 タイトル ライター 参照 推薦
9817 韓国に無い雪の大谷に世界が驚愕 (3) JAPAV57 2022-04-22 1556 0
9816 韓国政府後援でロシアでKPOP祭り JAPAV57 2022-04-22 1490 0
9815 sereinstore sereinstore 2022-04-21 1310 0
9814 ソウルの弘大。イテウォン。.人天.新....... pokjunam 2022-04-19 1236 0
9813 モンゴル首都の中心 청나라제독 2022-04-15 1391 0
9812 桜祭り反対デモ JAPAV57 2022-04-12 1256 0
9811 ウクライナ取材する23歳日本人 JAPAV57 2022-04-08 1458 0
9810 日本人女性がブチャ大虐殺を現地取....... JAPAV57 2022-04-08 1411 0
9809 日本人が被害甚大なブチャとボロジ....... JAPAV57 2022-04-08 1319 0
9808 衛星写真でロシアの嘘発覚 JAPAV57 2022-04-08 1374 0
9807 ☆嘉手納ABツアー☆浦添8車線開通(....... リベラル大使 2022-04-01 1398 0
9806 大韓民国の美しい景福宮外出 #1 (3) REDbit 2022-03-28 1431 0
9805 2021年クリスマスソウルロッテワール....... REDbit 2022-03-28 1278 0
9804 ボムイオは町角に一番美しい大韓民....... REDbit 2022-03-28 1169 0
9803 mipig cafe 福岡 JAPAV57 2022-03-22 1381 0
9802 アジアが最も検索した国は日本 JAPAV57 2022-03-22 1252 0
9801 台湾人が最も好きな国は日本 JAPAV57 2022-03-19 1443 0
9800 つまらない意地 (2) 癇癪大尉 2022-03-17 1378 0
9799 JR全駅の入場券「4368枚」を70万円で発....... doteraneko194 2022-03-12 1100 0
9798 「多摩川スカイブリッジ」開通、事....... doteraneko194 2022-03-12 1238 0